T & T Ultimate Adventure

Bible Quiz Study Guides

To prepare for the Bible Quiz, review the first four sections of the handbook. The Bible Quiz Study Guides (Below) contain the first four sections of the handbook in a condensed format. The study guide is helpful but not necessary. In the past, (winning) teams have memorized the entire study guide. Remember, the key to memorization is repetition – the key to memorization is repetition – the key to memorization is repetition. . .

So start your review, review often, and study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2 Timmothy 2:15

Choose Your Book, Version, Click, Download, Print, and Study

All Study guides developed by Commander Bill.net

If you find errors, please contact Commander Bill so he may revise and correct the guides as needed.